Nagios with virtuals

Here is the problem, I am running XP with a virtual using virtual box with opensuse 11 on the virtual. I have Nagios 3.0.3 running on the opensuse and am trying to monitor the XP box. I am doing this to find out if this is the solution we want to use in our enterprise without effecting the production servers. Anyway Nagios doesn’t seem to be able to contact the windows box it shows all tasks as critical. I am running the nsclient++ on the windows machine and have configured both via the install guides.

Any ideas would be appreciated.


first thing I would look at is the networking. Do you have it set up in bridge or NAT mode? Can you ping the windows machine from the Suse box?

When I was setting up virtualbox on windows a few days ago, I had a lot of trouble getting bridged networking to work right. I ended up install vmware server and haven’t had an issue since.

Thanks vortmax, virtual box says that I can create a bridged connection so will try that and see if it works.