Nagios3 - Ubuntu Jaunty - Windows host check error

I must be missing something. I am running Ubuntu Jaunty and grabbed Nagios3 via apt-get. I installed the nsclient++ to a test windows server. I can run check_nt commands against it via command line with success. When I look at the host through the nagios web page it is showing errors (see below). Do I have a configuration error on the web portion? When I do a forced check via the web page the logs seem to indicate a success:
nagios3: EXTERNAL COMMAND: SCHEDULE_FORCED_SVC_CHECK; jtad01.jt.local;CPU LOAD;1248183165
nagios3: EXTERNAL COMMAND: SCHEDULE_FORCED_SVC_CHECK; jtad01.jt.local;C:\ Drive Space;1248183347
nagios3: EXTERNAL COMMAND: SCHEDULE_FORCED_SVC_CHECK; jtad01.jt.local;W3SVC;1248183371

You must add the port into /etc/nagios-plugins/config/nt.cfg. There are some other problems between the templates, documentation and ubuntu. All part of the learning process…