I installed the Nagvis .deb package but did not see the user interface server/nagvis
I uninstalled the package and installed from the tar file. But it hasnt helped.
The apache2 error log is:-
[client] File does not exist: /var/www/nagvis
The NDOUTILS is not installed properly . So I feel I have to work first on NDOutils.
The error I get is:- [1256801382] Error: Could not safely copy module ‘/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod-3x.o’. The module will not be loaded: No such file or directory
i think the tbales are empty by default. First i’d reconfigure everything not to use the root account in mysql but a limited account with access only on the ndo tables, but that’s not relevant to the problem at hand…
I don’t know what may have gone wrong, not having a server available i can only recommend you try to follow the installation (and mainly configuration instructions) again from scratch and see if you forgot one step or the other…
Thanks Luca for your reply.
I had installed Nagvis Ubuntu package using apt-get install . It didn’t work, hence I uninstalled it and later manually installed the package from a tar file. Both these versions are different. I hope that there is no issue because of this and both the versions files are not mixed up and creating the mess.
I had uninstalled the package with dpkg -r nagvis .
Thanks for your suggestion. I had actually purged Nagvis with the dpkg -P command earlier. So I will again start from scratch and do the install once more as suggested by you…