NAV 3.4.0 RC1 released


NAV 3.4.0 RC1 is now available for download at SourceForge, see :frowning:

This is a feature release candidate, the list of features and bugs
fixed can be found in the attached changelog. If no new bugs are
discovered/reported in the release candidate within the next 10 days,
the candidate will be re-released as the final 3.4.0 version.

Binary packages for Debian will be available soon. The Debian package
is maintained by Morten Werner Forsbring, on commission from UNINETT.

Happy NAVing everyone!

Morten Brekkevold

Version 3.4.0_rc1
(released 06 May 2008)

## ##
## This release makes changes to the NAV database. If you are ##
## upgrading from a previous release you also need to upgrade your ##
## database schema. For information on how to upgrade the database ##
## schema, please take a look in doc/sql/upgrades for more ##
## information. See also the release NOTES for upgrade info. ##
## ##

New features and improvements:

* IPv6 prefixes are collected.

* Router IPv6 neighboring caches are now collected and made
searchable in the Machine Tracker.

* IP address matrix report rewritten to also support IPv6 address

* New Netmap preview included.

* New IP Device Info preview included.

* arplogger (iptrace) has been reimplemented as a getDeviceData
plugin. Starting/stopping iptrace is no longer possible with the
nav command.

* Advanced report search form can be opened/closed without reloading
the entire report page (requires Javascript-enabled browser)

* More flexible configuration of LDAP authentication allows more
ways to organize objects in LDAP servers. Now also allows TLS
encryption of LDAP connections.

* Machine tracker now links to IP Device Info for individual ports
found in searches.

* Specific prefixes can now be ignored by getDeviceData based on
configuration file setting.


* SF#1707993 (Character encoding problems in Cricket configuration)
* SF#1949567 (eventEngine posts duplicate alert for duplicate start event)
* SF#1954786 ( does not escape descriptions)

Release notes for NAV 3.4
Please report bugs at

If you are upgrading from versions of NAV older than 3.3.3, please refer to the
release notes of the in-between versions before reading any further.


NAV 3.4 comes with a preview of the Traffic Map replacement, called
Netmap. This tool is not feature complete yet, but we hope you will
test it and provide us with feedback. Is the new tool useful? What
could we do differently?

For more information and user documentation for Netmap, please refer
to .

IP Device Info

The IP Device Center and IP Info tools are being rewritten from
scratch as a new subsystem called IP Device Info, with radically
improved response times over the old IP Device Center. A preview of
this new tool is included in NAV 3.4, in parallel with the old tools.

To try out this new tool, you will need to install an SVN version of
Django, a Python web framework. The minimum required version is SVN
revision 7189 of Django. You can get the latest trunk revision using
svn thus:

svn co

For more information about Django in general, please refer to .

Upgrading from NAV 3.3

Arnold, the port blocking system, has been reimplemented in Python,
and now has support for changing vlans on switch ports, in addition to
the usual port blocking. It’s config files and scripts have changed
names; if you’ve set up a cron job running or other jobs
calling the old Perl scripts, these will need to be updated. You
should also check the new config files if you have made local changes
to the old ones.

If you have been using NAV’s LDAP authentication ability, please
update your webfront.conf file. The config has changed slightly, now
allowing for TLS connections, attribute configuration and required
group memberships; i.e. you can now require LDAP users to be members
of a specific LDAP group to be allowed to log in to NAV at all. This
removes the requirement to have a separate sub-tree of NAV user
objects in your official LDAP directory.

Dependency changes
Please note that NAV now requires Java 1.5 to compile. Also note the
Django requirement if you wish to test the new IP Device Info preview
mentioned earlier in these release notes.
