NDOUtils problem

Ive got problem when running the NDOUTils

[root@nagios2 ~]# tail /var/log/nagios/nagios.log
[1221710000] ndomod: Could not open data sink! I’ll keep trying, but some output may get lost…
[1221710000] Event broker module ‘/usr/bin/ndomod.o’ initialized successfully.
[1221710000] Finished daemonizing… (New PID=4153)
[1221710016] ndomod: Still unable to connect to data sink. 0 items lost, 244 queued items to flush.
[1221710032] ndomod: Still unable to connect to data sink. 0 items lost, 319 queued items to flush.
[1221710048] ndomod: Still unable to connect to data sink. 0 items lost, 390 queued items to flush.
[1221710064] ndomod: Still unable to connect to data sink. 0 items lost, 469 queued items to flush.
[1221710080] ndomod: Still unable to connect to data sink. 0 items lost, 541 queued items to flush.
[1221710096] ndomod: Still unable to connect to data sink. 0 items lost, 615 queued items to flush.
[1221710112] ndomod: Still unable to connect to data sink. 0 items lost, 690 queued items to flush.

And when i restart nagios…

[root@nagios2 nagios]# /sbin/service nagios reload
Running configuration check…done
Reloading nagios configuration…done
[root@nagios2 nagios]# tail /var/log/nagios/nagios.log
[1221710688] ndomod: Still unable to connect to data sink. 0 items lost, 3460 queued items to flush.
[1221710704] ndomod: Still unable to connect to data sink. 0 items lost, 3535 queued items to flush.
[1221710718] Caught SIGHUP, restarting…
[1221710718] ndomod: Shutdown complete.
[1221710718] Event broker module ‘/usr/bin/ndomod.o’ deinitialized successfully.
[1221710718] Nagios 2.12 starting… (PID=4153)
[1221710718] LOG VERSION: 2.0
[1221710718] ndomod: NDOMOD 1.4b6 (09-27-2007) Copyright © 2005-2007 Ethan Galstad ([email protected])
[1221710718] ndomod: Could not open data sink! I’ll keep trying, but some output may get lost…
[1221710718] Event broker module ‘/usr/bin/ndomod.o’ initialized successfully.

i appreciate all for those who replies

thx in advance!



Confirm location of ndo.sock matches specified entries in ndomod.cfg and ndo2db.cfg, and also socket types match (e.g. both uni:evil:, and that the config of ndo2db.cfg is correct in terms of usernames, passwords, db names etc. It may help if you post (sanitised) your cfg files.

