Need sample scripts for Nagios 2.03b

New to Nagios and grabbed 2.x

I’ve installed the Redhat RPM rather then starting from scratch, all seems to be going OK but I don’t seem to have any sample script files nor the configure script to create em.

Can anyone point me to where I can find/create em?


You’ll may see sample scripts for Nagios
but all in japan language
Edited Mon Jun 27 2005, 09:52PM ]

Did you check in the /usr/local/nagios directory for the samples? Try there. In addition to the Nagios docs. It will be wise to read it before diving to Nagios. I am also new to the Nagios although our company is using it since NetSaint.

Also samples location in archive.
check in …/nagios-2.xx/sample-config/template-object/ directory

Download the source, since your RPM version didn’t include them. You can then just copy/read the samples from there.