I’m a bit n00b with nagios and I have new installation 2.0 b4. I’m trying to run it on FreeBSD 5.3. I was thinking to monitor network trafic but don’t seem to find any working plugin for that. Wha you use for that? And where could I find it?
I do have mrtg runing allso, but I really would really like to integrate traffic information into nagios. More one more check pluning that check traffic. I’ve tried nagiostat but not successfully. I have’nt got it up and running instead I’ve managed to graph with nagiosgraph.
I got with nagiostat to the point where it should have draw a picture but only thing I got was broken image icons.
Then I tried check_mrtg but it return Segmentation Fault (core dumped)
Well I try first with nagiostat… and ask for more help if needed.
Thanks Luca.
check if the creation of the rrd files is ok… and put debug level to 3 in the nagiostat file. then look at debug.log
If you already have mrtg running you could add just a hostextinfo link to the right mrtg page…
That solved my problem. creation of rrd files did not work and now it does. One thing came out with check_mrtg plugin. For some reason it returns “Segmentation fault (core dumped)” command that I tried to use was “./check_mrtg -F /usr/local/share/mrtg/data/localhost_2.log -a AVG -v 2 -w 60 -c 90” Have any ideas why?
I use nagiostat for everything from free space in Oracle tablespaces to network traffic.
I’ll just include a portion of my nagiostat.conf file, that might help you in case you decide to use it. I suggest that you do, since almost every service check you make, can be graphed and has helped me immensely in finding hidden problems that you really never see without a graph.
GraphTimeTemplate 5year -1hour:-0min:“Hourly graph” -24hours:-0min:“Daily graph” -7days:-0min:“Weekly graph” -1month:-0min:“Montly graph” -1year:-0min:“Yearly graph” -5year:-0min:"5 Year graph"
RRDCreateTemplate ifrate_5min --step 300 DS:in:GAUGE:600:U:U DS:out:GAUGE:600:U:U RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:396 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:7:336 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:480 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:234:480