nrpe_nt and windows

quick question… do the same plugins work work for window machines??? or do i have to find plugins made specifilly for the window boxes?

ok,. ive downloaded the seperate perl plugins for 2k ,…

but im getting a perl module error when i run the scripts that im missing the Net::SNMP module ,.

i try and use cpan to install the perl module it wont compile the module because it is trying to use Make to build the modules,…

does anyone know a solution for this for windows ?? will the same thing happen if i use NSCA instead of NRPE_NT?

any adivce would greatly be appreciated. thanks.

ok nerver mind i downloaded nmake and compiled

now i am receiving these errors ,… anyone familiar with these ??

[root@lookout libexec]# ./check_nrpe -H -p 5666 -c check_nt_disk_c
CHECK_NRPE: Error receiving data from host.
[root@lookout libexec]# ./check_nrpe -H -p 5666 -c nt_memload
CHECK_NRPE: Error receiving data from host.
[root@lookout libexec]# ./check_nrpe -H -p 5666 -c nt_check_disk_c
CHECK_NRPE: Error receiving data from host.
[root@lookout libexec]# ./check_nrpe -H -p 5666 -c test
CHECK_NRPE: Error receiving data from host.
[root@lookout libexec]# ./check_nrpe -H -p 5666 -c nt_test
CHECK_NRPE: Error receiving data from host.

hoeveer when i run the commands on the win box,. the commands run fine,

First check your connexion with a telnet.
On local : telnet 5666 and then from remote host.
If it’s ok, you will try a check_nrpe.
If it doesn’t work see the logs.
Pershaps it’s a ssl problem.
For the plugins go on there are some windows plugins.