Dude, which one of these threads are you with? You’ve got too many about the same thing. Please tell us which one and stick with it. I won’t help you until then. Edited Mon Jan 16 2006, 03:12AM ]
Okay…well, there’s more to it than just the allowed_hosts param. You have to check the port you have specified to allow the traffic on, then make sure that the check command in Nagios is using that port. Then you have to make sure there’s nothing standing between Nagios and the port on the remote host, like your Iptables and firewall configuration.
Also, SElinux may or may not hamper your ability to use NRPE. Edited Mon Jan 16 2006, 03:18AM ]
Oh, are you running NRPE under inetd? I’m not familiar with that setup. Not sure how much I’d be able to help you. But it looks like NRPE is indeed running.
I’m using nrpe with xinetd without any major problems.
1.) On the remote machine, ou have to make sure to have any neccesary libraries needed for the plugin to work.
2.) include the port number in /etc/services
3.) set up a inetd entry which starts nrpe
4.) edit nrpe.cfg to reflect your plugin needs.
I think problems with the whole thing can only be solved with tools like strace (linu:evil: or truss (solaris).
Or maybe you’ll see some additional infos when looking at the network traffic with snoop or tcpdump.
For example, i had a problem that for some reason, the shell which is invoked on the remote machine tries to read root’s .bashrc and has no success. So it says “/root/.bashrc : permission denied”. And thats all the plugin ever said since nagios likes the first line of output only …
So i had to allow the nagios user to read roots .bashrc.
Have you ever tried to run the plugin on the remote machine? which output do you get?
That’s a Unix issue involving permissions. You could execute from command line chmod o+r .bashrc. That will give any user on the box read permissions to that file.
I don’t know the role of .bashrc, though…so I don’t know whether or not that’s a good idea, or if there’s something else about it that would prevent anyone except root from doing anything with/to it. Edited Wed Jan 18 2006, 04:45AM ]