Nsclient for unix?

Is their an nsclient-like plugin for retrieving unix info? If not, how do you get that kind of info from unix hosts?


Check for netsnmp on sourceforge :slight_smile: (but you usally get everything precompiled on most unix distros)

Ciao, Luca

Thanks Luca,

I tried your suggestion but didn’t find much about netsnmp on sourceforge.

I didn’t understand what you meant by “everything precompiled on most unix distros”. I’m running Nagios on Linux. I want to monitor things like disk space and uptime on hosts running HPUX.

Let that Unix box perform it’s own checks and pass the info using the nsca addon.
I have many Solaris on Sun boxes running there own Nagios checks and passing the data to Central Nagios server, using nsca.


Thanks for your response.

Your solution sounds complex compared to nsclient. So I think you answered my question. There is no comparable (ie “out of the box”) solution like nsclient for retrieving resource info from unix hosts. That’s surprising considering Nagios was created on unix (I think).

When I have time I’ll dig deeper and try to understand your suggestion. But that’s the problem. I don’t have time. That’s why I was hoping for something like that just works like nsclient. But I don’t mean to sound ungrateful. Actually I am very thankful for what Nagios developers have done for the rest of us.

If given a choice, I will always have the Nagios Central server perform passive checks over active checks. With over 1200 checks being performed(and still growing) it makes alot of sense to not force the central server to do all of the work. You should seriously consider having these boxes pass the info using nsca.

But if you must, then I suppose you could use the nrpe client to perform the checks that you want.

jakkedup is definately right from an architecture point of view. However, we don’t have too many hosts/checks here (51/204) and nrpe is working pretty well for us. There are even Solaris packages for npre and the plugins so it really isn’t that taxing

check here: net-snmp.org/

Ciao, Luca