Hi! I have a problem with Nagios 1.2…
When my hosts are DOWN, i use the notify by email, but my configuration not work corretly…
dfine service{
host_name pippo.pulto.it
service_description WEB
is_volatile 0
check_period 24x7
max_check_attemps 3
normal_check_interval 2
retry_check_interval 1
contact_groups email
notification_interval 4
notification_period 24x7
notification_options w,u,c,r
check_command check_ping
My problem:
When my hosts are DOWN, Nagios not sent 4 email, but sent email in continuation…
I would want Nagios sent only 4 email, end the service of notifications stop…
Another problem, where i must specify intervall between one the email and the other of 10 minutes?
Thanks many,
Well, I don’t know how to get Nagios to send out a specific number of notifications, but I have an idea as to why Nagios appears to be sending out continuous e-mails.
I say “appears” because Nagios isn’t really sending out e-mails in a continuous, streaming manner. The"notifications_interval" option does not state how many e-mails to send out; it states the period of time between notifications. So Nagios is popping out e-mails every four seconds, which is why it appears to be sending out continuous notifications.
Hah, so maybe that can be considered continuous. I’m just being picky. Sorry, don’t be mad.
See, that’s where “notification_interval” kicks in. You specify a number of seconds between notifications. If you want notification e-mails every 10 minutes, you’d set this option to 600 (60 secs. X 10 mins.) 8)
But I read if i set Notification_interval 0 Nagios sent only once email, but it’s not true!! But sent email without end…
Where i set the correct parameters for limited the notifications email??
Did you restart nagios after you reset your notification interval to 0? If you didn’t, then nagios is still using the old configuration where your notification interval is set to 4 seconds.
But I still don’t know how to specify exactly how many e-mails nagios sends out.
you can use escalations. but i suspect the escalation notifications op
[quote=“SonOfThunder”]Did you restart nagios after you reset your notification interval to 0? If you didn’t, then nagios is still using the old configuration where your notification interval is set to 4 seconds.
But I still don’t know how to specify exactly how many e-mails nagios sends out.[/quote]
HAHAHAH! Wow, what was I thinking:?::?:? Your config isn’t necessarily set to once per four seconds like I say it is. It depends on what you’ve set interval_length as. So if you use the defaults, where interval length is 60 seconds, then having a notification interval of 4 should be sending out a notification once every four minutes, unless you DO have interval_length set to 1 second.
Sorry, I wasn’t thinking that one through clearly enough.