I have started to play with passive checks, and there is something i don’t understand. I have a passive service check showing critical on a host. If active checks are disabled for this service, it does NOT show up at all in the Tactical Overview.
As soon as I enable active checks (thus having both passive and active) it start showing up as a service critical alert again.
I’m having the same problem. For some reason this seems to be a “feature” in the Nagios GUI.
Even under Service Problems/Unhandled and Host Problems/Unhandled the Passive services didn’t show. These pages were easy to fix though by changing the links in the Side.html, just change serviceprops from 42 to 10 and the same for hostprops.
But we really need an overview to manage all the servers, we can’t be expected to jump between Services and Hosts every couple of minutes just to see if anything has happened.
I would be satisfied with a solution for showing both Service and Host Problems on the same status.cgi page, I haven’t been able to find a way to do it myself.