Bah, I tried to attach the script, looks like it didn’t take for whatever reason. here it is…
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
Tell Perl what we need to use
use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
use vars qw($opt_f $opt_p $opt_t $opt_v
$opt_c $opt_w $opt_W $opt_C
$host $port $opt_H $sensor
$temp1 $temp2 $temp3
$fan1 $fan2 $fan3
$proc1 $proc2
$volt33 $volt5 $volt12 $volt12neg $volt5neg
$crit_level_low $warn_level_low
$crit_level_high $warn_level_high
%exit_codes $msg @stuff $line);
Predefined exit codes for Nagios
%exit_codes = ( ‘UNKNOWN’, -1,
‘OK’, 0,
‘CRITICAL’, 2,);
Process options
if ($#ARGV le 0)
Error check options
if (!$opt_w or $opt_w == 0 or !$opt_c or $opt_c == 0 or !$opt_W or $opt_W == 0 or !$opt_C or $opt_C == 0)
print “*** You must define WARN and CRITICAL levels!”;
elsif (!$opt_f and !$opt_p and !$opt_t and !$opt_v)
print “*** You must select a sensor (f, p, t or u) to monitor!”;
if (($opt_f and ($opt_p or $opt_t or $opt_v)) or
($opt_p and ($opt_t or $opt_v)) or
($opt_t and $opt_v))
print “*** You must select only one sensor (f, p, t or u) to monitor!”;
if ($opt_w > $opt_W)
print “*** WARN low end (w) must be less than WARN high end (W)!”;
elsif ($opt_c > $opt_C)
print “*** CRITICAL low end © must be less than CRITICAL high end ©!”;
elsif ($opt_w <= $opt_c or $opt_W >= $opt_C)
print “*** WARN range must be contained within CRITICAL range!”;
if (!$opt_H)
$host = “localhost”;
$host = $opt_H;
$port = 4747;
telnet to mbmon port to get sensor readings (4th line of output)
@stuff = telnet $host $port 2>/dev/null
foreach $line ( @stuff)
chomp $line;
print $line;
if ( grep /,/, $line )
($temp1, $temp2, $temp3, $fan1, $fan2, $fan3, $proc1, $proc2, $volt33, $volt5, $volt12, $volt12neg, $volt5neg) = split(/,/, $line);
if ($opt_f)
if ($opt_f == 1)
$msg = “Fan 1 rotation speed is $fan1\n”;
$sensor = $fan1;
elsif ($opt_f == 2)
$msg = “Fan 2 rotation speed is $fan2\n”;
$sensor = $fan2;
elsif ($opt_f == 3)
$msg = “Fan 3 rotation speed is $fan3\n”;
$sensor = $fan3;
print “*** Select Fan 1, 2 or 3!”;
elsif ($opt_p)
if ($opt_p == 1)
$msg = “CPU 1 core voltage is $proc1\n”;
$sensor = $proc1;
elsif ($opt_p == 2)
$msg = “CPU 2 core voltage is $proc2\n”;
$sensor = $proc2;
print “*** Select Processor core 1 or 2!”;
elsif ($opt_t)
if ($opt_t == 1)
$msg = “Temperature sensor 1 is $temp1\n”;
$sensor = $temp1;
elsif ($opt_t == 2)
$msg = “Temperature sensor 2 is $temp2\n”;
$sensor = $temp2;
elsif ($opt_t == 3)
$msg = “Temperature sensor 3 is $temp3\n”;
$sensor = $temp3;
print “*** Select Temperature 1, 2 or 3!”;
elsif ($opt_v)
if ($opt_v == 1)
$msg = “3.3 volt sensor is $volt33\n”;
$sensor = $volt33;
elsif ($opt_v == 2)
$msg = “5 volt sensor is $volt5\n”;
$sensor = $volt5;
elsif ($opt_v == 3)
$msg = “12 volt sensor is $volt12\n”;
$sensor = $volt12;
elsif ($opt_v == 4)
$msg = “Negative 12 volt sensor is $volt12neg\n”;
$sensor = $volt12neg;
elsif ($opt_v == 5)
$msg = “Negative 5 volt sensor is $volt5neg\n”;
$sensor = $volt5neg;
print “*** Select Voltage 1 (3.3v), 2 (5v), 3 (12v), 4 (-12v) or 5 (-5v)!”;
print “*** You must select a valid sensor (f, p, t or u) to monitor!”;
$warn_level_low = $opt_w;
$crit_level_low = $opt_c;
$warn_level_high = $opt_W;
$crit_level_high = $opt_C;
if ( !$sensor )
print “Sensor UNKNOWN - No data from mbmon”;
exit $exit_codes{‘UNKNOWN’};
elsif ($sensor <= $crit_level_low)
print “Sensor CRITICAL - $msg”;
exit $exit_codes{‘CRITICAL’};
elsif ($sensor >= $crit_level_high)
print “Sensor CRITICAL - $msg”;
exit $exit_codes{‘CRITICAL’};
elsif ($sensor <= $warn_level_low)
print “Sensor WARNING - $msg”;
exit $exit_codes{‘WARNING’};
elsif ($sensor >= $warn_level_high)
print “Sensor WARNING - $msg”;
exit $exit_codes{‘WARNING’};
print “Sensor OK - $msg”;
exit $exit_codes{‘OK’};
Show usage
sub usage()
print “\ v0.3 - Nagios Plugin\n\n”;
print “usage:\n”;
print " -H <Host Name/IP> -<tN|fN|pN|vN> -w N -c N -W N -C N\n\n";
print “options:\n”;
print " -t check Temperature Sensor N\n";
print " N Meaning\n";
print " 1 Temperature Sensor 1\n";
print " 1 Temperature Sensor 2\n";
print " 1 Temperature Sensor 3\n";
print " -f check Fan N Rotation Speed\n";
print " N Meaning\n";
print " 1 Fan 1 Sensor\n";
print " 1 Fan 2 Sensor\n";
print " 1 Fan 3 Sensor\n";
print " -p check Processor N Core Voltage\n";
print " N Meaning\n";
print " 1 Processor 1 Core Voltage Sensor\n";
print " 2 Processor 2 Core Voltage Sensor\n";
print " -t check Voltage Sensor N\n";
print " N Meaning\n";
print " 1 3.3V Sensor\n";
print " 2 5V Sensor\n";
print " 3 12V Sensor\n";
print " 4 -12V Sensor\n";
print " 5 -5V Sensor\n";
print " -w N WARN if sensor < N\n";
print " -c N CRITICAL if sensor < N\n";
print " -W N WARN if sensor > N\n";
print " -C N CRITICAL if sensor > N\n";
exit $exit_codes{‘UNKNOWN’};