Hello everybody,
Can someone help me?
Nagios and my host are corectly working viz NRPE.
But for one of my plugin, I have a problem. This one takes 12s for the result:
Jul 3 11:02:22 eclipse nrpe[3489]: Connection from port 12695
Jul 3 11:02:22 eclipse nrpe[3489]: Host address is in allowed_hosts
Jul 3 11:02:22 eclipse nrpe[3489]: Handling the connection…
Jul 3 11:02:22 eclipse nrpe[3489]: Host is asking for command ‘check_teststb’ to be run…
Jul 3 11:02:22 eclipse nrpe[3489]: Running command: /home/nagios/test.sh
Jul 3 11:02:34 eclipse nrpe[3489]: Command completed with return code 0 and output: TEST OK
Jul 3 11:02:34 eclipse nrpe[3489]: Return Code: 0, Output: TEST OK
Jul 3 11:02:34 eclipse nrpe[3489]: Connection from closed.
SO as we can see the result is OK but on my nagios, I have : CHECK_NRPE: Socket timeout after 10 seconds. for this service but the others are correct.
Can I increase the timeout? Ond which one is it? which file?
I try everything but I still have this problem.
Or I create into the cron a test and my service will just check for the result of this one.
But I will have a lot of that kind of test to do.