Problem monitoring Windows services, Nagios 3.2

Hi all. I’m having trouble getting Nagios to monitor explorer.exe via the built in windows definition. NSCLient++ 0.37 is installed on the windows server. I’m getting all other info like CPU load, RAM usage, and HDD usage, but it won’t monitor any services. I’ve tried switching explorer.exe to a few other services running on the machine but none of them return a result(all show in Nagios as ‘Not Running’). Any ideas?

Nobody else has ran into this problem?

it is working fine for me. You should probably run some tests in nsclient and check the logs.

How do I run the tests, and what sort of tests? I’ve tried changing the definition to another service, and different NSClient versions. No luck yet though.

start by running some tests directly in the nsclient/test command line.
And also check the nsclient logs

Here is my nsc.ini and nsclient.log. The nsc.ini is stock aside from the commenting of one module and the uncommenting of the port definition.

;# A list with DLLs to load at startup.
;  You will need to enable some of these for NSClient++ to work.
; ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
; *                                                               *
; * N O T I C E ! ! ! - Y O U   H A V E   T O   E D I T   T H I S *
; *                                                               *
; ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
; Script to check external scripts and/or internal aliases.
; NSCA Agent if you enable this NSClient++ will talk to NSCA hosts repeatedly (so dont enable unless you want to use NSCA)
; LUA script module used to write your own "check deamon".
; Check other hosts through NRPE extreme beta and probably a bit dangerous! :)
; Extreamly early beta of a task-schedule checker

;  This is the same as the password option but here you can store the password in an obfuscated manner.
;  *NOTICE* obfuscation is *NOT* the same as encryption, someone with access to this file can still figure out the 
;  password. Its just a bit harder to do it at first glance.
;  This is the password (-s) that is required to access NSClient remotely. If you leave this blank everyone will be able to access the daemon remotly.
;  This is a comma-delimited list of IP address of hosts that are allowed to talk to the all daemons.
;  If leave this blank anyone can access the deamon remotly (NSClient still requires a valid password).
;  The syntax is host or ip/mask so will allow anyone on that subnet access
;  Use the INI file as opposed to the registry if this is 0 and the use_reg in the registry is set to 1 
;  the registry will be used instead.
;  This is the "new" way for using the system tray based on an IPC framework on top shared memmory channels and events.
;  It is brand new and (probably has bugs) so dont enable this unless for testing!
;  If set to 1 shared channels will be created and system tray icons created and such and such...

;  Set to 1 if you want debug message printed in the log file (debug messages are always printed to stdout when run with -test)
;  The file to print log statements to
;  The format to for the date/time part of the log entry written to file.
;date_mask=%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
;  The root folder to use for logging.
;  exe = the folder where the executable is located
;  local-app-data = local application data (probably a better choice then the old default)

;  This is a comma-delimited list of IP address of hosts that are allowed to talk to NSClient deamon.
;  If you leave this blank the global version will be used instead.
;  This is the port the NSClientListener.dll will listen to.
;  Allows you to bind server to a specific local address. This has to be a dotted ip adress not a hostname.
;  Leaving this blank will bind to all avalible IP adresses.
;  Timeout when reading packets on incoming sockets. If the data has not arrived withint this time we will bail out.

;  This is the port the NRPEListener.dll will listen to.
;  This specifies the maximum number of seconds that the NRPE daemon will allow plug-ins to finish executing before killing them off.
;  This option determines whether or not the NRPE daemon will allow clients to specify arguments to commands that are executed.
;  This option determines whether or not the NRPE daemon will allow clients to specify nasty (as in |`&><'"\]{}) characters in arguments.
;  This option controls if SSL should be used on the socket.
;  Allows you to bind server to a specific local address. This has to be a dotted ip adress not a hostname.
;  Leaving this blank will bind to all avalible IP adresses.
; bind_to_address=
;  This is a comma-delimited list of IP address of hosts that are allowed to talk to NRPE deamon.
;  If you leave this blank the global version will be used instead.
;  All files in this directory will become check commands.
;  *WARNING* This is undoubtedly dangerous so use with care!
;  Timeout when reading packets on incoming sockets. If the data has not arrived withint this time we will bail out.

[Check System]
;  Can be anything ranging from 1s (for 1 second) to 10w for 10 weeks. Notice that a larger buffer will waste memory 
;  so don't use a larger buffer then you need (ie. the longest check you do +1).
;  The resolution to check values (currently only CPU).
;  The value is entered in 1/10:th of a second and the default is 10 (which means ones every second)
;  Configure how to check services when a CheckAll is performed.
;  ...=started means services in that class *has* to be running.
;  ...=stopped means services in that class has to be stopped.
;  ...=ignored means services in this class will be ignored.

[External Script]
;  This specifies the maximum number of seconds that the NRPE daemon will allow plug-ins to finish executing before killing them off.
;  This option determines whether or not the NRPE daemon will allow clients to specify arguments to commands that are executed.
;  This option determines whether or not the NRPE daemon will allow clients to specify nasty (as in |`&><'"\]{}) characters in arguments.
;  All files in this directory will become check commands.
;  *WARNING* This is undoubtedly dangerous so use with care!

[External Scripts]
;check_vbs_sample=cscript.exe //T:30 //NoLogo scripts\check_vb.vbs
;check_powershell_warn=cmd /c echo scripts\powershell.ps1 | powershell.exe -command -

[External Alias]
alias_cpu=checkCPU warn=80 crit=90 time=5m time=1m time=30s
alias_cpu_ex=checkCPU warn=$ARG1$ crit=$ARG2$ time=5m time=1m time=30s
alias_disk=CheckDriveSize MinWarn=10% MinCrit=5% CheckAll FilterType=FIXED
alias_service=checkServiceState CheckAll
alias_process=checkProcState $ARG1$=started
alias_mem=checkMem MaxWarn=80% MaxCrit=90% ShowAll type=physical
alias_up=checkUpTime MinWarn=1d MinWarn=1h
alias_file_age=checkFile2 filter=out "file=$ARG1$" filter-written=>1d MaxWarn=1 MaxCrit=1 "syntax=%filename% %write%"
alias_file_size=checkFile2 filter=out "file=$ARG1$" filter-size=>$ARG2$ MaxWarn=1 MaxCrit=1 "syntax=%filename% %size%"
alias_file_size_in_dir=checkFile2 filter=out pattern=*.txt "file=$ARG1$" filter-size=>$ARG2$ MaxWarn=1 MaxCrit=1 "syntax=%filename% %size%"
alias_event_log=CheckEventLog file=application file=system filter=new filter=out MaxWarn=1 MaxCrit=1 filter-generated=>2d filter-severity==success filter-severity==informational truncate=1023 unique descriptions  "syntax=%severity%: %source%: %message% (%count%)"
alias_event_log2=CheckEventLog file=application file=system filter=new filter=in MaxWarn=1 MaxCrit=1 filter+generated=<2d "filter+eventSource==Service Control Manager" filter+severity==error truncate=1023 unique descriptions  "syntax=%severity%: %source%: %message% (%count%)"
check_ok=CheckOK Everything is fine!

; [includes]
;# The order when used is "reversed" thus the last included file will be "first"
;# Included files can include other files (be carefull only do basic recursive checking)
; myotherfile.ini
; real.ini

[NSCA Agent]
;# CHECK INTERVALL (in seconds)
;   How often we should run the checks and submit the results.
;   This option determines the method by which the send_nsca client will encrypt the packets it sends 
;   to the nsca daemon. The encryption method you choose will be a balance between security and 
;   performance, as strong encryption methods consume more processor resources.
;   You should evaluate your security needs when choosing an encryption method.
; Note: The encryption method you specify here must match the decryption method the nsca daemon uses 
;       (as specified in the nsca.cfg file)!!
; Values:
;	0 = None	(Do NOT use this option)
;	1 = Simple XOR  (No security, just obfuscation, but very fast)
;   2 = DES
;   3 = 3DES (Triple DES)
;	4 = CAST-128
;	6 = xTEA
;	11 = RC2
;	14 = RIJNDAEL-128 (AES)
;	20 = SERPENT
;  This is the password/passphrase that should be used to encrypt the sent packets. 
;  Allows you to bind server to a specific local address. This has to be a dotted ip adress not a hostname.
;  Leaving this blank will bind to "one" local interface.
; -- not supported as of now -- 
;  The name of this host (if empty "computername" will be used.
;  The address to the nagios server to submit results to.
;  The port to the nagios server to submit results to.

;  The checks to run everytime we submit results back to nagios
;  Any command(alias/key) starting with a host_ is sent as HOST_COMMAND others are sent as SERVICE_COMMANDS
;  where the alias/key is used as service name.
[NSCA Commands]
;my_cpu_check=checkCPU warn=80 crit=90 time=20m time=10s time=4
;my_mem_check=checkMem MaxWarn=80% MaxCrit=90% ShowAll type=page
;my_svc_check=checkServiceState CheckAll exclude=wampmysqld exclude=MpfService

;  A list of commands that check other hosts.
;  Used by the NRPECLient module
[NRPE Client Handlers]
check_other=-H -p 5666 -c remote_command -a arguments

;  A list of all Lua scripts to load.
;[LUA Scripts]
2010-05-07 11:33:35: message:modules\FileLogger\FileLogger.cpp:92: Starting to log for: NSClient++ - 2010-04-21
2010-05-10 11:04:18: message:modules\FileLogger\FileLogger.cpp:92: Starting to log for: NSClient++ - 2010-04-21
2010-05-10 11:04:18: message:CACHENSClient++.cpp:433: Booting: NSClientpp (Nagios) 2010-04-21 w32
2010-05-10 11:04:18: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:1172: Enabling debug mode...
2010-05-10 11:04:18: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:545: Attempting to start NSCLient++ - 2010-04-21
2010-05-10 11:04:18: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:963: Loading plugin: CheckDisk...
2010-05-10 11:04:18: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:963: Loading plugin: Event log Checker....
2010-05-10 11:04:18: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:963: Loading plugin: Helper function...
2010-05-10 11:04:18: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:963: Loading plugin: CheckSystem...
2010-05-10 11:04:18: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:963: Loading plugin: CheckWMI...
2010-05-10 11:04:18: debug:CACHEmodules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:73: Autodetected w2k or later, using w2k PDH counters.
2010-05-10 11:04:18: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:963: Loading plugin: File logger...
2010-05-10 11:04:18: debug:CACHEmodules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:110: Using index to retrive counternames
2010-05-10 11:04:18: message:CACHEmodules\FileLogger\FileLogger.cpp:93: Log path is: C:\Program Files\NSClient++\\nsclient.log
2010-05-10 11:04:18: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:963: Loading plugin: NSClient server...
2010-05-10 11:04:18: debug:NSClient++.cpp:665: NSCLient++ - 2010-04-21 Started!
2010-05-10 11:04:18: message:NSClient++.cpp:449: Using settings from: INI-file
2010-05-10 11:04:18: error:C:\source\nscp\branches\stable\include\Socket.h:677: bind failed: 10048: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.  
2010-05-10 11:04:18: message:NSClient++.cpp:450: Enter command to inject or exit to terminate...
2010-05-10 11:04:18: error:C:\source\nscp\branches\stable\include\Socket.h:708: Socket did not start properly, we will now do nothing...
2010-05-10 11:04:18: debug:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:130: Found countername: CPU:    \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time
2010-05-10 11:04:18: debug:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:131: Found countername: UPTIME: \System\System Up Time
2010-05-10 11:04:18: debug:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:132: Found countername: MCL:    \Memory\Commit Limit
2010-05-10 11:04:18: debug:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:133: Found countername: MCB:    \Memory\Committed Bytes
2010-05-10 13:05:19: message:modules\FileLogger\FileLogger.cpp:92: Starting to log for: NSClient++ - 2010-04-21
2010-05-10 13:05:19: message:CACHENSClient++.cpp:433: Booting: NSClientpp (Nagios) 2010-04-21 w32
2010-05-10 13:05:19: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:1172: Enabling debug mode...
2010-05-10 13:05:19: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:545: Attempting to start NSCLient++ - 2010-04-21
2010-05-10 13:05:19: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:963: Loading plugin: CheckDisk...
2010-05-10 13:05:19: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:963: Loading plugin: Event log Checker....
2010-05-10 13:05:19: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:963: Loading plugin: Helper function...
2010-05-10 13:05:19: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:963: Loading plugin: CheckSystem...
2010-05-10 13:05:19: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:963: Loading plugin: File logger...
2010-05-10 13:05:19: debug:CACHEmodules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:73: Autodetected w2k or later, using w2k PDH counters.
2010-05-10 13:05:19: message:CACHEmodules\FileLogger\FileLogger.cpp:93: Log path is: C:\Program Files\NSClient++\\nsclient.log
2010-05-10 13:05:19: debug:CACHEmodules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:110: Using index to retrive counternames
2010-05-10 13:05:19: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:963: Loading plugin: NSClient server...
2010-05-10 13:05:19: debug:NSClient++.cpp:665: NSCLient++ - 2010-04-21 Started!
2010-05-10 13:05:19: error:C:\source\nscp\branches\stable\include\Socket.h:677: bind failed: 10048: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.  
2010-05-10 13:05:19: message:NSClient++.cpp:449: Using settings from: INI-file
2010-05-10 13:05:19: error:C:\source\nscp\branches\stable\include\Socket.h:708: Socket did not start properly, we will now do nothing...
2010-05-10 13:05:19: message:NSClient++.cpp:450: Enter command to inject or exit to terminate...
2010-05-10 13:05:19: debug:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:130: Found countername: CPU:    \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time
2010-05-10 13:05:19: debug:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:131: Found countername: UPTIME: \System\System Up Time
2010-05-10 13:05:19: debug:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:132: Found countername: MCL:    \Memory\Commit Limit
2010-05-10 13:05:19: debug:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:133: Found countername: MCB:    \Memory\Committed Bytes

well you have a socket error in the log that does not look good but if other stuff is working perhaps thats not the problem. I would fix that first if I where you.
Also there is nothing in the log regarding check process. If you did run it I suppose it was blocked out by the socket error.

How do I go about fixing the socket error? NSCLient is using port 12489(?) per nsc.ini. After doing a netstat -an on the windows server, it shows nothing listening on that port.

Still no luck fixing the socket error. I rebooted the server just to see if anything would happen and this is what the log file looks like after a reboot and a nsclient /test

2010-05-14 08:56:55: message:modules\FileLogger\FileLogger.cpp:92: Starting to log for: NSClient++ - 2010-04-21
2010-05-14 08:58:08: message:modules\FileLogger\FileLogger.cpp:92: Starting to log for: NSClient++ - 2010-04-21
2010-05-14 08:58:08: message:CACHENSClient++.cpp:433: Booting: NSClientpp (Nagios) 2010-04-21 w32
2010-05-14 08:58:08: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:1172: Enabling debug mode...
2010-05-14 08:58:08: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:545: Attempting to start NSCLient++ - 2010-04-21
2010-05-14 08:58:08: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:963: Loading plugin: CheckDisk...
2010-05-14 08:58:08: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:963: Loading plugin: Event log Checker....
2010-05-14 08:58:08: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:963: Loading plugin: Helper function...
2010-05-14 08:58:08: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:963: Loading plugin: CheckSystem...
2010-05-14 08:58:08: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:963: Loading plugin: File logger...
2010-05-14 08:58:08: debug:CACHEmodules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:73: Autodetected w2k or later, using w2k PDH counters.
2010-05-14 08:58:08: message:CACHEmodules\FileLogger\FileLogger.cpp:93: Log path is: C:\Program Files\NSClient++\\nsclient.log
2010-05-14 08:58:08: debug:CACHEmodules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:110: Using index to retrive counternames
2010-05-14 08:58:08: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:963: Loading plugin: NSClient server...
2010-05-14 08:58:08: debug:NSClient++.cpp:665: NSCLient++ - 2010-04-21 Started!
2010-05-14 08:58:08: message:NSClient++.cpp:449: Using settings from: INI-file
2010-05-14 08:58:08: message:NSClient++.cpp:450: Enter command to inject or exit to terminate...
2010-05-14 08:58:08: error:C:\source\nscp\branches\stable\include\Socket.h:677: bind failed: 10048: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.  
2010-05-14 08:58:08: debug:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:130: Found countername: CPU:    \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time
2010-05-14 08:58:08: error:C:\source\nscp\branches\stable\include\Socket.h:708: Socket did not start properly, we will now do nothing...
2010-05-14 08:58:08: debug:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:131: Found countername: UPTIME: \System\System Up Time
2010-05-14 08:58:08: debug:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:132: Found countername: MCL:    \Memory\Commit Limit
2010-05-14 08:58:08: debug:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:133: Found countername: MCB:    \Memory\Committed Bytes
2010-05-14 09:15:07: message:modules\FileLogger\FileLogger.cpp:92: Starting to log for: NSClient++ - 2010-04-21
2010-05-14 09:15:23: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:545: Attempting to start NSCLient++ - 2010-04-21
2010-05-14 09:15:23: message:CACHEmodules\FileLogger\FileLogger.cpp:93: Log path is: C:\Program Files\NSClient++\\nsclient.log
2010-05-14 09:15:23: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:24: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:25: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:25: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:26: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:27: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:28: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:29: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:30: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:31: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:32: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:32: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:33: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:34: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:35: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:36: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:37: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:38: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:38: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:39: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:40: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:41: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:42: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:43: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:44: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:44: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:45: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:46: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:47: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:48: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:49: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:50: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:51: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:52: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:53: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:54: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:55: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:56: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:57: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:57: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:58: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:15:59: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:00: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:01: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:02: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:03: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:04: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:04: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:05: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:06: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:11: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:12: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:13: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:14: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:15: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:16: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:16: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:17: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:18: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:19: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:20: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:21: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:22: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:23: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:23: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:24: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:25: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:26: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:27: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:28: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:29: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:29: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:30: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:31: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:32: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:33: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:34: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:35: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:35: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:36: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:37: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:38: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:39: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:41: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:42: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:42: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:43: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:44: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:45: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:46: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:47: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:48: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:48: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:49: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:50: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:51: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:52: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:53: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:54: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:54: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:55: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:56: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:57: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:58: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:16:59: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:00: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:01: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:01: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:02: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:03: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:04: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:05: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:06: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:07: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:07: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:08: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:09: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:10: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:11: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:12: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:13: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:13: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:14: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:15: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:16: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:17: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:18: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:19: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:20: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:20: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:21: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:23: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:24: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:25: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:26: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:26: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:27: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:28: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:29: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:30: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:31: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:32: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:33: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:33: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:34: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:35: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:36: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:37: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:38: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:39: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:39: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:40: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:41: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:42: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:43: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:44: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:45: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:45: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:46: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:47: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:48: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:49: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:50: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:51: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:52: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:52: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:53: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:54: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:55: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:56: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:57: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:58: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:58: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:17:59: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:18:00: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)
2010-05-14 09:18:01: error:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:215: Failed to query performance counters: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time: PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed: A counter with a negative denominator value was detected.   (800007D6)


The \Processor lines go on for a while finally ending with…

2010-05-14 09:22:17: message:modules\FileLogger\FileLogger.cpp:92: Starting to log for: NSClient++ - 2010-04-21 2010-05-14 09:22:17: message:CACHENSClient++.cpp:433: Booting: NSClientpp (Nagios) 2010-04-21 w32 2010-05-14 09:22:17: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:1172: Enabling debug mode... 2010-05-14 09:22:17: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:545: Attempting to start NSCLient++ - 2010-04-21 2010-05-14 09:22:17: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:963: Loading plugin: CheckDisk... 2010-05-14 09:22:17: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:963: Loading plugin: Event log Checker.... 2010-05-14 09:22:17: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:963: Loading plugin: Helper function... 2010-05-14 09:22:17: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:963: Loading plugin: CheckSystem... 2010-05-14 09:22:17: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:963: Loading plugin: File logger... 2010-05-14 09:22:17: debug:CACHEmodules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:73: Autodetected w2k or later, using w2k PDH counters. 2010-05-14 09:22:17: message:CACHEmodules\FileLogger\FileLogger.cpp:93: Log path is: C:\Program Files\NSClient++\\nsclient.log 2010-05-14 09:22:17: debug:CACHEmodules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:110: Using index to retrive counternames 2010-05-14 09:22:17: debug:CACHENSClient++.cpp:963: Loading plugin: NSClient server... 2010-05-14 09:22:17: debug:NSClient++.cpp:665: NSCLient++ - 2010-04-21 Started! 2010-05-14 09:22:17: message:NSClient++.cpp:449: Using settings from: INI-file 2010-05-14 09:22:17: message:NSClient++.cpp:450: Enter command to inject or exit to terminate... 2010-05-14 09:22:17: error:C:\source\nscp\branches\stable\include\Socket.h:677: bind failed: 10048: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted. 2010-05-14 09:22:17: error:C:\source\nscp\branches\stable\include\Socket.h:708: Socket did not start properly, we will now do nothing... 2010-05-14 09:22:17: debug:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:130: Found countername: CPU: \Processor(_total)\% Processor Time 2010-05-14 09:22:17: debug:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:131: Found countername: UPTIME: \System\System Up Time 2010-05-14 09:22:17: debug:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:132: Found countername: MCL: \Memory\Commit Limit 2010-05-14 09:22:17: debug:modules\CheckSystem\PDHCollector.cpp:133: Found countername: MCB: \Memory\Committed Bytes

I wonder if this one is resolved yet? I guess so… but anyway: I once experienced that problem to.
NSclient installer asks for adding entry in the firewall, I checked it, but no checks were going through.
Got some errors like this one :
error:include\Socket.h:677: bind failed: 10048: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted

when I went checking the firewall I saw that NSclient had added an entry in the firewall in the “public” - profile and not in the “domain”-profile.
Just checking the checkbox at domain fixed the issue.



I’ve tried changing the definition to another service, and different NSClient versions. No luck yet though…

And what is the exact problem you have?
Can you post your log and the command you are using please?
