Problem running the configure script before install

I keep getting an error: ./configure: No such file or directory when i run the following script:

./configure --prefix=prefix --with-cgiurl=cgiurl --with-htmurl=htmurl --with-nagios-user=someuser --with-nagios-group=somegroup --with-command-group=cmdgroup

Obviously I have replaced the neccessaries accordingly.

I am executing it in both the /tmp folder I had extracted the nagios file to and also tried in the /usr/local/nagios directory too.

Could someone please tell me what i am doing wrong. I am a new user to Nagios.

Kind Regards

if you untarred in the tmp directory you porbably have a nagios-x directory… where the confiigure file is located…


PS: Follow the docs step by step… it looks like you are quite a beginner on linux/nagios… so follow the instructions…

[quote=“jnosc”]I keep getting an error: ./configure: No such file or directory when i run the following script:
J [/quote]

Paste the exact command ran and the exact output and perhaps we could tell why you have “no such file” error.