Problem with NDO Utils


I have installed NDO Utils 1.4.b4 in my system (all correct, prerrequsites, and commands configure and make), I have done all steps post installation (cp binaries, etc.) and when I start nagios in nagios.log appear an error :

ndomod: Error writing to data sink!  Some output may get lost...

Nagios vers. 2.9
NDO Utils vers. 1.4.b4 (with 1.3.1 error is the same)
mysql vers. 4.1.20-1
Operating system vers. (CentOS) Linux 2.6.9-55.0.2.ELsmp

I have checked all instalation and all is correct (connection to DB, permision file, etc…). Permission file over ndo.sock are correct.

Carlos Camarero

did you get this fixed?