I have installed nagios/web interface correctly, now i have to change the cfg file for nagios to work/do the what its suppost to do,just wondering the best site for help?any info will be much appreciated!
the docs…
(now really, did you expect a differente answer? )
yeah,i was asking are there any other sites?
If you have read the docs, and have looked at the sample.cfg files, then I"m not sure what more you need. It’s evident from the docs and samples that you simply define some hosts, hostgroups, contacts, services, and so on. What’s holding you back?
Start simple.
You have your localhost call it mypc.
define in hosts.cfg all the directives for mypc.
Define in servcies.cfg ONE check for this box.
and so on.
As a fellow newcomer to Nagios, I’d like to recommend a few things that helped me:
- Make copies of all of the sample config files now. Keep them in case you need to start from scratch.
- Make periodic copies of your config files as you make changes.
- Run the Nagios verification after you make any changes, at least at first. When you make a bunch of changes, it becomes much more difficult to figure out what you screwed up!
Once you’re more comfortable with your configs, you won’t need the verification process as much. - Read the docs. Read them again. Google any error messages you come across, the answers are out there.