When running check_disk plugin from the Nagios machine (“Server 1”) to another server on my LAN (“Server 2”), I receive the error “Return code of 127 is out of bounds”. However, if I run the plugin direct on “Server 2” it gives me a result …
bgrsvr-x:~ # /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_disk -w 20% -c 10% -p /home/badger_fruit/data/tv-lvm
DISK CRITICAL - free space: /home/badger_fruit/data/tv-lvm 126303 MB (7% inode=99%);| /home/badger_fruit/data/tv-lvm=1637159MB;1486259;1672041;0;1857824
I have checked Google and the results don’t help (even support.nagios.com/knowledgebase … wdesc=true) because the path to the plug-in DOES exist.
I have turned firewalls off on both the servers and it makes no difference … please can someone offer some help?