I recently upgraded to Nagios 20b2 and I get this error : CRITICAL;SOFT;4;(Return code of 134 is out of bounds) from time to time. It’s very irritating because I get this error for lots of services and I get a log of notifications. Do you know what should I do to get rid of this problem?
i don’t have that command working so i can’t check it. sorry… try having a look at the command itslef (calling it without parameters) if you get some help out of it.
You will have better and faster results if you use check_snmp instead of check_ifoperstatus. It is much faster, and just may solve your problem. Just a tip: I’m running over 1000 service checks every 5 mintues. 80% or more are queries to ports on a switch or host to see the ethernet ports status. This would not be possible with check_ifoperstatus, becuase it’s just to slow.
I found my problem - I messed something with the elf interpreter and privileges on the files and directories. Will try check_snmp though - thanks for the tip jakkedup.
Would you also give me info on how to assing priviliges on the nagios files and directories to make external commands work again as I messed something there two