I’ve installed Nagios 3.03 in Ubuntu 8.04, and NSClient+±Win32-0.3.5 in my clients W2000 and W2003.
The problem I have with NSClient is I always get this error:
NSClient - ERROR: Invalid password.
The NSC.ini I have the default configuration, execpt in these lines:
It’s in the SCI.ini file under the settings section. uncomment the password=secret-password
; This is the same as the password option but here you can store the password in an obfuscated manner.
; NOTICE obfuscation is NOT the same as encryption, someone with access to this file can still figure out the
; password. Its just a bit harder to do it at first glance.
; This is the password (-s) that is required to access NSClient remotely. If you leave this blank everyone will be able to access the daemon remotly.
Change the password to whatever you are using in the commands.cfg file
define command{
command_name check_nt
command_line $USER1$/check_nt -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 12489 -s PASSWORD -v $ARG1$ $ARG2$
I still have this problem. There is not way to get a connection to the nsclient.
I’ve run the command nsclient++ /test and I always got this error (on line “Socket.h(668)”):
[code]D:\NSClient+±Win32-0.3.5>nsclient++ /test
Launching test mode - client mode
Service seems to be started, this is probably not a good idea…
l \NSClient++.cpp(370) Attempting to start NSCLient++ - 2008-09-24
d \NSClient++.cpp(773) Loading plugin: CheckDisk…
d \NSClient++.cpp(773) Loading plugin: Event log Checker…
d \NSClient++.cpp(773) Loading plugin: Helper function…
d \NSClient++.cpp(773) Loading plugin: CheckSystem…
d \NSClient++.cpp(773) Loading plugin: File logger…
d \PDHCollector.cpp(66) Autodetected w2k or later, using w2k PDH counters.
l \FileLogger.cpp(93) Log path is: D:\NSClient+±Win32-0.3.5\nsclient.log
d \PDHCollector.cpp(103) Using index to retrive counternames
d \NSClient++.cpp(773) Loading plugin: NSClient server…
d \NSClient++.cpp(773) Loading plugin: SystemTray…
e \Socket.h(645) bind failed: 10048: S
Conexion rechazada. Could not fetch information from server
is not the same error as
**NSClient - ERROR: Invalid password. **
You have configured nsclient to run on port 12489 so you need to specify the port with -p 12489 with check_nt
; This is the port the NSClientListener.dll will listen to. port=12489 [/blockquote]
[root@localhost libexec]# ./check_nt --help | grep port
Usage:check_nt -H host -v variable -p port] -w warning] -c critical]-l params] -d SHOWALL] -t timeout]
-p, --port=INTEGER
Optional port number (default: 1248)
Default port 1248 is sometimes in use by other services[/blockquote]
I ecently installed Nagios and wanted to monitor windows 2003 server. I installed the NSClient++ in the server to be monitored.Nagios is showing the folliowinng error message. Can you please help me out.
CPU Load UNKNOWN 10-21-2008 12:16:40 0d 0h 28m 18s 3/3 NSClient - ERROR: Could not get data for 5 perhaps we don’t collect data this far back?
Memory Usage UNKNOWN 10-21-2008 12:18:37 0d 0h 26m 21s 3/3 NSClient - ERROR: Failed to get PDH value.
Uptime UNKNOWN 10-21-2008 12:20:35 0d 0h 25m 53s 3/3 NSClient - ERROR: Could not get value