stop nagios, check for remainign processes (ps -ef | grep nagios) kill any survivng process, start.
use only reload or stop and then start… restart somehow leaves some processes alive sometimes… and that briugns to inconsistencies between the config and the interface
I’ve now done, restart, reload, reboot and I’m still seeing the same problem. It just isn’t recognizing the gap in the time period. I don’t know if the retention.dat plays a role, but I deleted that today and rebooted. We’ll see.
I have it set as notification_period. That’s how I have all my time periods specified. I don’t have any problems with time periods that are simple (e.g. 07:00-17:00). It’s when I add a gap that it doesn’t work.
I think I found my stupid mistake. I had the notification_period set on the service and not the host. The notifications I’m getting are host alerts. I think that will fix it.
Thanks for the input. It made me look at things more closely.