Two network interfaces in the same machine


I have problem … i want tow network interfaces in the same machine ( for a router) .

I run ==> sudo kvm -m 512 /KVM/Server-routeur.img -net nic,macaddr=DE:AD:BE:EF:00:04 -net tap,script= /home/chris/kvm.if-up

And I have juste one interfaces

when i run ==> sudo kvm -m 512 /KVM/Server-routeur.img -net nic,macaddr=DE:AD:BE:EF:00:04 -net tap,script= /home/chris/kvm.if-up -net nic,macaddr=AD:BE:EF:00:05 -net tap,script= /home/chris/kvm.if-up

I have error !!!

In the Qemu documentation : no solutions ?

thank you for reponses …

(and excuse for my language : i don’t speak english very well !!!)

Hi Chris, can you post here what error message you got and provide more information about your network configuration.