Where are plugins monitoring interface traffic of network de

as above

which means?

if it is what i GUESS you want to monitor the I/O counters of some port and graph them. use SNMP.


I mean I want to monitor netflow from a interface of device such as PC,switch,router firewall and so on.
I used check_traffic,it returned (Return code of 13 is out of bounds) ,I don’t know how to generate the **.rrd

i don’t know where you got check_traffic from…
read the docs which came with the plugin.


check_traffic (check_traffic-0.90b.tar)from

Doesn’t change much… i suppose the package still has a readme attached to it…
Checking input output of a interface is something you can do with standard check_snmp (knowing the OIDs) and nagisostat (which is what MRTG does)

Edited Tue Aug 23 2005, 05:07AM ]

do you know other plugins similar to check_traffic, see you tomorrow!

That plug in, checks Rx and Tx counters on a router/switch, they can be asked via SNMP (as luca said) knowing the OID. Once it got the values, substracts the previous values obtained to the new ones, and divides everything by the time period between the checks.

PD: if can try gnuplot too (nice & easy graph tool).
PD2: excuse my poor english. :S
Edited Tue Aug 23 2005, 07:03AM ]

by the way, where are the tools of getting OID , I have dnowloaded some but no one can get the complete OID;

by the way, where are the tools of getting OID , I have dnowloaded some but no one can get the complete OID;

google for mbrowse for a mib browser tool.
check_snmp and nagiostat will give you nice looking in/out rates for an interface. All plugins such as check_traffic etc, have to have correct permissions, so if you are getting out of bounds, then fix the permissions on the file.